Changing Media Landscape blog is created by Resource Management Group as a public service. Online media has transformed the way consumers access info across the globe. It has created new opportunities but has also led to numerous challenges to traditional media particularly the print, broadcast and electronic media.. Being far more audience-focused and consumer-targeted than the traditional media, it gives value for money to advertisers. Email to for more info.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
10 Most Common Oversights in Digital Marketing | Social Media Today
10 Most Common Oversights in Digital Marketing | Social Media Today
10 Most Common Oversights in Digital Marketing
1. I have 100k fans in Facebook, I rule: Not really, number of followers doesn’t matter; the work is to create a relationship where healthy conversation can happen.
2. Don’t have a track of mobile trends for client’s area: With users often using mobile as a searching device, the business has to turn on the mobile strategy.
3. Making traffic as goals: Traffic can often be misleading; analyzing the visitor’s site behavior can be give monition of your website’s goal.
4. Same content everywhere: Will you ever repeat the same conversation again and again to your friends? Spend time understanding user personas; find out where the new conversation is going on. [Think]
5. Outsource too much or too little? It’s always better to involve in areas like information gathering, which is the core part of digital marketing. On the other hand, you can push yourself to broaden your service or challenge your thinking by bringing in outside professionals.
6. Waiting for cat to bark? With the entire buzz about social media, clients might only want a social media strategy, that doesn’t mean that their needs end there. Get insight into your client's niche and find out what they want
7. Not beware of best practices: Yes, you heard me! They gained success under specific circumstances, which might not suit your marketing strategies or situations. Create your own best practices and stick to it.
8. Settling for mediocrity: In the age of superior technology and unprecedented connectivity, settling for mediocrity is a crime. When direct mail marketing enjoys a 2% conversion rate, how an online marketers will be comfortable with a tremendously low 2.6% conversion rate.
9. Inconsistent in branding: Branding is not something you should compromise on your marketing campaign. Changing the image of your brand can be a good move at times and also runs the risk of confusing the loyal audiences. Be consistent while choose branding and build a loyal customer base.
10. Missing out on new marketing opportunities: Digital marketing space is expanding at a frenzied pace. If you want to stay on top of trends, analyze how the new opportunity impacts your client’s campaign.
If you’ve avoided these pitfalls. Good job. But there’s still some work to do. We need to help others to avoid these mistakes.
10 Most Common Oversights in Digital Marketing
Posted June 19, 2011 with 8557 reads
1. I have 100k fans in Facebook, I rule: Not really, number of followers doesn’t matter; the work is to create a relationship where healthy conversation can happen.
2. Don’t have a track of mobile trends for client’s area: With users often using mobile as a searching device, the business has to turn on the mobile strategy.
3. Making traffic as goals: Traffic can often be misleading; analyzing the visitor’s site behavior can be give monition of your website’s goal.
4. Same content everywhere: Will you ever repeat the same conversation again and again to your friends? Spend time understanding user personas; find out where the new conversation is going on. [Think]
5. Outsource too much or too little? It’s always better to involve in areas like information gathering, which is the core part of digital marketing. On the other hand, you can push yourself to broaden your service or challenge your thinking by bringing in outside professionals.
6. Waiting for cat to bark? With the entire buzz about social media, clients might only want a social media strategy, that doesn’t mean that their needs end there. Get insight into your client's niche and find out what they want
7. Not beware of best practices: Yes, you heard me! They gained success under specific circumstances, which might not suit your marketing strategies or situations. Create your own best practices and stick to it.
8. Settling for mediocrity: In the age of superior technology and unprecedented connectivity, settling for mediocrity is a crime. When direct mail marketing enjoys a 2% conversion rate, how an online marketers will be comfortable with a tremendously low 2.6% conversion rate.
9. Inconsistent in branding: Branding is not something you should compromise on your marketing campaign. Changing the image of your brand can be a good move at times and also runs the risk of confusing the loyal audiences. Be consistent while choose branding and build a loyal customer base.
10. Missing out on new marketing opportunities: Digital marketing space is expanding at a frenzied pace. If you want to stay on top of trends, analyze how the new opportunity impacts your client’s campaign.
If you’ve avoided these pitfalls. Good job. But there’s still some work to do. We need to help others to avoid these mistakes.
Social Media History: From Prehistoric Paint to Postmodern Posts | Social Media Today
Social Media History: From Prehistoric Paint to Postmodern Posts
Posted July 2, 2011 with 1690 reads
The desire to connect and communicate is woven into our very genetic code as human beings. We don’t want to be heard. We need to be heard. That is what is powering this supernova explosion of social media.
content” has been around for millennia. The first evidence of “social
media” was the Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc cave paintings in the
Ardeche department of southern France. They date back to 30,000 BC.
We’re talking Upper Paleolithic era here. Those paintings were
peopleconnecting and communicating with other people. Twitter on a sandy
That’s all social media is. The medium has merely changed: from prehistoric paint to postmodern posts.
The difference is the speed and scope of the communication. Cave paintings reached some. Social media reaches all.
have waited a long time for this. For thousands of years, the church
controlled the message, followed by the printing press, then the
mainstream media.
For the first time in human history: you control
the message. Reflect on that for a moment. Think about how outrageously
fortunate we are to be alive, empowered by these tools—at this time.
media is here to stay because people will never up that power. It’s no
less than the taste of freedom. We’ve seen governments try to quell this
people-powered movement by shutting down social media entirely. It’s
not working.
Ladies and gentlemen, the genie is out of the bottle, and it is not going back in.
That’s where we are. But, how did we get here?
"The power of the people is much stronger than the people in power." -Wael Ghonim, widely-credited as a catalyst of the 2011 Egypt Revolution.
The regime was trying to hold back a tsunami with their bare hands.
is an ancient civilization with a young population. Nearly two-thirds
of Egyptians are under 30 years old. After years of oppression, they
reached their tipping point.
the sun rose to warm the day in Cairo on January 25, 2011, an estimated
25,000 people gathered in Tahrir Square. This would become the time and
place of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution—one of the most extraordinary in
Within five days, the BBC reported that 25,000 became 50,000. By February 1st,
the number of protesters had swelled to over one million—peacefully,
yet stoically, protesting the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak.
In the nascent stages, Mubarak didn’t appear overly-concerned. After all, he’d been in power for nearly 30 years.
His unconcern would be his undoing.
his government—and most of the world, for that matter—didn’t quite
grasp was this: While the people had been oppressed for three decades,
held hostage by a psychological barrier of fear, the playing field had
changed. Monumentally. The power balance had shifted. Dramatically.
regime didn’t understand two key points about social media: 1. That in
connecting people, it could break down the barrier of fear, and 2. That
it could move messages and mobilize masses with blinding speed.
Cell phones and email might reach hundreds of people at a time. Twitter and Facebook reach hundreds of thousands. In hours. Those hundreds of thousands can reach millions. In days.
Egyptian government made the grave miscalculation that they could quell
this movement just as they had done before. But this time, nothing
could contain the Egyptian people. They had the burning desire for
change—and the tools to raise the heat.
As 60 Minutes later
reported: “Their revolution began not with terrorism and tanks but with
Twitter and texts. An aging autocrat who ruled as a modern pharaoh,
fell victim to those weapons of the young. Out-organized and
out-maneuvered. By kids. With keyboards.”
thirty-something Google executive, Wael Ghonim, was an unlikely
catalyst of the revolution. In June, 2010, police brutally and callously
murdered a young Egyptian named Khaled Said—who had uploaded a damning
video to YouTube showing blatant police corruption. Decades of such
transgressions built an aura of invincibility in the Egyptian police.
Once again, they thought they would get away with it. They thought
built a Facebook page titled: "We Are All Khaled Said." It featured
graphic, striking photos of Said’s death. The Facebook page attracted
roughly 500,000 members. It struck a cord. But, more than that, it
provided one universal place for outraged Egyptians to go—to hear and be
heard. It gave people a voice. It started to chip away at the
psychological barrier of fear that had held them back for so many years.
February 11, 2011,Mubarak officially stepped down. Imagine that! The
man who had clung to power for almost three decades, through scandalous
elections, corruption charges—and six attempts on his life—could not
withstand the social-driven groundswell that flat-out overwhelmed him. In 18 days.
the part of the story where “hype” often creeps in about social media.
It’s important to understand it’s actual role here—in order to
understand how it can actually impact our lives and our businesses.
social media did not create the conditions for a revolution, it
accelerated it, both in time and timing. The wood, the fuel and the fire
were there. Social media sheltered the fire—and fanned the flames for
the world to see.
As E.B. Boyd of Fast Company wrote:
“Did Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube send people out into the streets?
Of course not. Did they speed up the process of protest? Absolutely.”
This speaks to a timeless truth of social media: It’s powerful. But, without people and passion,
it’s powerless. Therein lies a fundamental misconception about social
media: companies see the bedazzling numbers and believe social media is a
silver bullet that can make them rich, famous or both. But, without a
buzzworthy product or service, without a message that resonates,
without passion, without work, social media falls flat. It
merely amplifies your message, your business, your movement or your
cause. It doesn’t save them.
media has become an engine of humanity, jet-fueled by the irrepressible
drive we each have for better lives. With social media, a privileged
few don’t control the levers. You do. I do. We all do. That’s what makes
it so thrilling. But to work: it requires a certain set of ingredients,
mixed in just right. When that happens, sit back and watch the magic.
Social media makes good on that long-held promise that one person can change the world. Wael Ghonim is case in point.
Boyd further wrote:
been some backlash in the last few days against the idea that either
Tunisia or Egypt were brought on by Twitter or a “Facebook Revolution.”
And certainly, it takes a lot more than the 21st century version of a
communication system to persuade people to take to the streets and risk
harm, imprisonment, or death. But that doesn’t mean social media didn’t
play a role. It did. Given the magnitude of grievances in each country,
revolt would almost certainly have come eventually. But social media
simply made it come faster. It did so by playing a role in three main
dynamics: organizing protests, shaping the narrative and putting
pressure on Washington.
As I see it, this is the most powerful progression of social media: if it can embolden enough people,
it can trigger a groundswell. If that groundswell has legs, it can
achieve extraordinary results. This applies to you and your business
just as it does to causes and world events.
talk about business for a moment. What an historic, enthralling time to
be in business! We are in the midst of one of the most seismic shifts
since the Industrial Revolution. Ten years ago, if I told you that
technologies would one day exist to allow you to listen to past, current
and future customers; to reach millions of people with your content
(without “gatekeepers” like agents, or publishers or producers); to
foster lasting relationships with influential customers; to build a
thriving business using a video platform that distributed your content
to every corner of the planet, with enterprise-level analytics, that
would cost you nothing but your time, you would have thought I was an
inveterate liar, a quixotic dreamer—or both.
are empowered with an array of jaw-dropping technologies that enable
you to be heard on an unprecedented scale. You can use this power do
anything you want: from connecting with people around the world to
raising awareness for a charity to parlaying your passion into a viable
business. The playing field is more level than ever: most of us now have
access to the very platforms that powered Barack Obama to the White
House in 2008. Imagine that.
if you’re reading this 10 years from now, your power has likely grown
by orders-of-magnitude. I cannot fathom how you people are using social
media to enrich your life, boost your business, and change our world!
media is the now the #1 online activity with almost one billion people
taking part. And, those numbers continue to grow at a jaw-dropping rate.
In a span of three years, social media has brought together one in six
humans on Earth. That figure includes the roughly one billion people who
don’t even have Internet connection yet.
To reach 50 million users, it took:
· Radio: 38 years.
· TV: 13 years.
· Internet: 4 years.
· The iPod: 3 years
To reach 100 million users, it took Facebook fewer than 9 months.
Social Media, Search & A Shrinking Web
“People are spending more time on Facebook and less time on the rest of the web,” he tells WebProNews. “If you look at the total amount of time people spent on Facebook from March 2010 to March 2011, it grew 69%. And if you look at the total amount of time people spent on the rest of the web, it fell 9%. This was staggering to me and it highlighted the critical importance of understanding and using the social web in an intelligent way. ”
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The Changing Media Lanscape - Is There a Solution?
New media has completely transformed the way consumers gather news and information. While it has created many new opportunities, it has also brought about numerous challenges to traditional media and even contributed to, what some consider, dying business models.
Some traditional media enterprises have embraced new media with great success. Others, however, have not had the same experience. One of the biggest blows, if you will, to traditional media has been that consumers have become reporters themselves. We have seen how powerful these reports have been in events involving the Middle East, the death Osama bin Laden, and more.
Today, consumers no longer have to wait until designated times to get their news and information. Not only that, they don’t even have to visit specific news sites to find out what’s going on. News today is easily accessible wherever consumers are.
How do you consume news? Do you utilize traditional media forms, or do you rely on new media outlets? Let us know.
The big question in all this is, how will media continue to evolve? This is exactly what the FCC and the FTCsought out to do some 2 years ago. When the effort began, it seemed to lean heavily in the direction of saving journalism, namely, struggling media enterprises. In 2010, the FTC released its “Potential Policy Recommendations to Support the Reinvention of Journalism,” which was received with much criticism.
Since then, the FTC has not been involved with the effort. The FCC, however, recently released its own “Future of Media” report called “The Information Needs of Communities: The Changing Media Landscape in a Broadband Age.” This report was met with both criticism and praise. Most of the criticism came from the left, and the praise came from right wing groups that want to preserve the First Amendment.
Speaking about the report, Adam Thierer, a senior research fellow with the Technology Policy Project at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, told us the report was a “welcome relief.” He said, “It shied away from the more extreme types of proposals that we had heard some academics put out there in the past.”
The report focuses on the abundance of media and how consumers can access this wealth of information with as little as a click of a mouse, but it didn’t actually call for any drastic recommendations. It did note that traditional media institutes are struggling and that high-quality journalism was hard to find, even in this age of abundance. However, consumers now have choice, which was something that was strictly limited before.
The FCC admits that getting both really high-quality journalism and giving consumers options is a difficult challenge. Although the commission did not provide a solution to this dilemma, it did advise the media to continue experimenting with processes and systems.
Media reform group Free Press strongly opposed the report and called it a “major disappointment.” In apress release, President and CEO Craig Aaron said, “The report discusses many important ideas, but where the FCC actually has the power to help local communities, the agency abdicates its responsibility in the areas.”
Free Press, along with many other media reform organizations, hoped that the report would call for more aggressive policy proposals to ensure quality news and information for local communities.
“If the FCC decides to relax, waive, or ignore its own rules that prevent the formation of local media monopolies, it may temporarily help pad the profits of the large conglomerates, but it will not cure what ails journalism or the media industry,” said Aaron. “The only way to ensure vibrant, quality journalism-and a healthy democracy-is to engage the public so starved for meaningful local news and information today. We hope that this report can still serve as a catalyst for better public policy to address the serious problems the document identifies.”
On the other side of controversy, Thierer said, “There’s an important wall in America, a wall between, if you will, press and state… that wall is rarely breached, and it should not be breached so easily just because there’s a time when the media is struggling in this country, as they are today.”
“This debate has a level of elitism at the margins at times where some people say, ‘You need to eat your greens and find the good journalism,’” he said. “Living in an age of abundance in the Internet and digital world… we can spend a lot of time online – probably messing around, watching and listening to all sorts of stuff, including a lot of nonsense – and not always consuming that which others think is best for us. But the question is, how do you force them to do that?”
He also asks the question, “Do you want a massive bailout of failing journalistic enterprises?”
From a practical standpoint, Thierer believes that if the government begins to impose policy on the media, it will only lead to more policies. While the government could bring some improvements to the media sector, he doesn’t think that it should be able to force what it thinks users should consume.
“Information technology is moving way too fast for our federal regulators to keep up with it,” he said. “We live in gut-wrenching, interesting, disruptive times… some of this experimentation and evolution is just going to have to play itself out… there isn’t any easy answer.”
Do you think the government needs to step in to help improve the media sector?
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